Join Gift Card Partners and CVS/pharmacy as we host a live webinar in conjunction with the Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress titled: Wellness in the Corporate Environment and Complying with PPACA; How to Build a Successful Gift Card Incentive Program. Presenting will be Ralph Lardieri, wellness manager, Wawa, Inc., Judith Wethall, shareholder, Littler, Finn Pressly, Associate, Mendelson and moderating the Q&A session will be Edward Shulkin, president, GiftCard Partners.
About the webinar
Tuesday November 19th, at 2:00 PM EST: Wellness programs are an effective method to maintain group health plan costs and motivate employees to take control of their health, while assisting employees to lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. Employers seek solutions by offering incentives that are tangible, easily accessible and tailored to the employees work/life balance for voluntary participation.
Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, navigating the legal landscape of wellness programs and incentives could be treacherous. However, the Affordable Care Act seemed to be a clear endorsement of standards-based wellness programs by the government. PPACA generated even more opportunities to get creative with these wellness programs, but it is important to understand the risks.
We will address:
- Changing an employee’s poor health habits by providing powerful motivators
- Creative strategies on how to implement a successful corporate wellness program utilizing gift card incentives
- The permitted incentives for standards-based wellness programs, and the associated
- requirements to ensure PPACA compliance
- Other laws that might impact wellness programs, including the ADA and GINA
- Rewards and consequences that employers may face using gift card incentives
Who Should Attend:
- Agents
- Brokers
- Consultants
- Human Resources Executives
- Insurance companies
- Health plans
- Government agencies
Stacey Sicurella is a 15 year marketing veteran, working in the Boston area for GiftCard Partners. Recent accomplishments include blogging with abandon, acquiring work-life balance and building amazing sand-castles with her children.