Imagine being the CEO of a company, and walking into work one day to find a 60% jump in benefits cost per employee. How does that happen? And more importantly…how does a company combat or neutralize that? Once such textile manufacturer in Ohio roused to find just such a reality. An aging workforce led to many instances of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and ultimately, decreased productivity.
Once implementing a health and wellness program for employees and spouses that revolves around blood tests, and includes incentives; Standard Textile achieved a 27 % improvement in employees with high blood pressure and a 37% improvement in high employees with cholesterol.
Read on about how one manufacturer improved their employee health
The author:Stacey Sicurella is a 15 year marketing veteran, working in the Boston area for GiftCard Partners. Recent accomplishments include blogging with abandon, acquiring work-life balance and building amazing sand-castles with her children.